i filled out a form from the website safe alternatives and mailed it to them. though i'm 23 -- almost 24 in almost a month i don't know how much it will help. and i can't tell my parents because they won't understand and over react. so i'm hoping they send some information on how to over come and stuff.
im determined that tuesday is my last day EVER cutting. and so far i'm doing good.
2 days. it's a start right?
this woman at my old college wants me to be a guest on her radio show because i gave her the idea to do a topic on cutting. i'm kinda scared to even though i want to. because everyone at the radio station will find out. even though the head of the radio station knows because i told him after an incident that happened in his class. but, i still don't know if i could handle my friends at the station knowning and other people on campus knowing.
i want to do it because if one person was able to get something out of it then that's good right?
i just really don't know what to do. does anyone have a suggestion? should i do the radio show?
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I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
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